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first half of pictures

I tried to emulate Bethany's work by adding dots to the photo to emulate her style of scanning the photo and then drawing on it with the picmonkey circle tool. It would be interesting to do it with a scanner but I could not because I edited the photo at home.

I tried to emulate Danny's style of light painting by setting the shutter speed to a higher speed than normal with the shutter taking many seconds to click.

To emulate David's style I took the photo with a black background and positioned to a side of the frame. The photo is in black and white with a lot of detail around the subject.

Declan used a longer shutter time to create some blur in the photo but in a self-portrait, it is hard to tell who the photo is of. I tried to make it obvious but not too obvious who the photo is of.

I tried to emulate Owen's work by taking an abstract artistic view of his hand. The shot is straight-on with minimal details. 

I tried to emulate Malia by taking multiple photos and overlapping them onto each other. It is supposed to be in black and white but picmonkey is broken.


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