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Showing posts from February, 2019

Winter 3

Winter 3 For the third installment of my winter project, I went into an unoccupied classroom and used the wider space to capture more of the room which freed up more space to create the light patterns. We experimented with more space and therefore more light trails which at times became a little confusing and hard to follow which I do not like I like a simpler design with one or two points of focus or a consistent pattern in the piece. I did not layer as much because I liked it less and I felt that the images did not need it.

Winter 2

I was not here on Thursday so I only have 6 images ready. During this week I tried to overlay images and the lighter elements are the image that was overlayed onto the previous image. This week I will try to push the boundaries of what is possible with overlays.

Winter 1

Winter 1 For this week's beginning of my winter project, I chose to do light painting and I hope to emulate David Gilliver's light painting. I set the iso to be quite low and tried to eliminate the other light and objects in the photos so you can only see the objects and light trails that were created when the photo was taken. I worked with Stefan and Danny to make the best possible photos and we divided them up evenly.