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Showing posts from November, 2018


Portfolio The images I chose for my portfolio I feel demonstrate the direction in which I took the project. I hoped to take photos that were pleasing to the eye and at the same time captured David Gillivers little people. I was hoping that you got a vibe of the person is either resting from doing a task or they are doing the task.In the ones were they appear stagnant perhaps there is meant to be a subtle energy where they are supposed to be doing what they are doing. They are supposed to be resting and that something was happening before they were there and something will happen afterwards.

Draft 4

For my fourth draft, I tried to make my images look similar by editing them in similar ways I included several pictures of the guy hanging from the branch but included several different branches. The pictures have a lot of shadows and appear darker than natural light. It hopefully made the photos "better than life" meaning that they appear to be in a utopia but there are still problems like falling off of branches and such.

Draft 3

Draft 3 For my third draft, I tried to make the people interacting as much as possible with the environment as much as possible. I tried to make it obvious that it was a small person in a big world and that they had to solve a problem in this big world. For example in my second image, you see him lifting a giant rock which in reality is a pebble. This set of images was taken with the intent to make you do a double take and to make you think about where they were taken.

Draft 2

For this Draft, I combined David Gillivers little people with the outdoors to try to set up scenes in which they were not interacting with other little people but other bigger things like the environment and other things. For example, I used things I see every day like an can or the ping pong balls. I tried to make it look like they were trying to solve a problem and help each other.